Destiny Mobile Lite Redesign

Destiny Mobile Lite Redesign

We used some feedback to redesign one of Destiny’s key components: Destiny Mobile Lite. Read on for more about the new Destiny Mobile Lite’s key features, its differences from the old view, and information to make your transition to the new design easier.


Destiny Mobile Lite was created to allow Guard Tour verification in places with zero, or unreliable, data connectivity. It allows QR codes to be scanned with an Android or iOS device to verify your employees' locations during a shift without a data connection being present while the scans are being performed. The officer can upload the Guard Tour scans once a data connection is present.

Each scan is bundled with a GPS position and timestamp and is saved locally on the device until the scans are uploaded to our servers.

What’s changed?

The new Destiny Mobile Lite is designed to allow your employees to scan and forget, meaning they can scan and not worry about if they uploaded their previous Guardtour scans. Destiny Mobile Lite will now attempt to automatically upload any scans saved in the queue while your officer continues to work.

Auto upload of scans is only available on Android as iOS limits background processes. For more information please visit this article: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/659806

  1. Log in/out functionality: Destiny Mobile Lite allows you to log in once and start working!

  2. Press to Scan Button: Start scanning Guardtours immediately with a press of a button. Scanner pops up immediately after pressing button in the same window.

  3. Upload Button: Manually upload any saved Guardtour scans with a simple button press.

  4. Number of Scans in Queue: Always know how many scans haven’t been uploaded yet. Remember uploading is automatic and manual, so this number can change.

  5. Location Data: Verify your location is accurate with always present device location data.

  6. DM Lite Log: A running log of all scans that have been completed, manually uploaded, and automatically uploaded.

Key features

Auto-upload scans

The main focus of this redesign is to allow your employees the convenience of completing their scans without the worry of having to remember to upload all the time. With the previous version of Destiny Mobile Lite, we required employees to upload scans at the end of the shift and we realize some employees may forget to complete this after a long shift. New Destiny Mobile Lite automatically uploads scans in queue every 5 minutes and if there are no scans the app will not attempt to upload.

Scan queue

As with the previous version of Destiny Mobile Lite, we have included a field that displays the current scans the officer has scanned. This queue displays all the scans which have not been uploaded to our servers.

The uploads are both automatic and manual so the number in the queue may change from time to time.

Upload Log

To ensure employees are always aware of their scan uploads we have included an upload log which allows the user to see the last scans they completed as well as when scans were uploaded. The Log is color coded for readability with white indicating normal scans, green indicating a manual upload of scans, and yellow for automatic uploads.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

How do I download the new version?

You can download the latest version from your respective app store. For Android please visit the play store.

Is this update available for both Android and iOS?

Destiny Mobile Lite is available on both platforms however auto upload functionality is only available on Android as iOS restricts applications from performing background processes.

Please create a support ticket in the Admin Portal if you have any questions.

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