Report Signatures

Report Signatures

With our latest update to the Reports, we are providing your Employees the ability to add their signature to the reports. This update also provides you the option of requiring employees to add signatures before they are able to submit their reports.


To use this update in Destiny Mobile (Android, iOS, or Hybrid), please follow the steps below:

  1. Login to the Destiny Mobile.

  2. Select Reports.

  3. Select any Report.

  4. Select the Menu button on the top left and select the new Signature option.

  5. Sign within the white box and the signature is assigned to this report.

When the Report is submitted, field will be populated as soon above.

Force Signature Addition


We have also added the ability for company owners to force each report to require a signature before the Officer can submit it. In order to use this feature please follow the steps below:

  • Log into the SuperAdmin Portal.

  • Click “Manage Mobile Features”.

  • Toggle the new Make Signatures MANDATORY on ALL reports option.

  • Click Save.

Now every report will require a signature be added before the report can be submitted.

Please create a support ticket in the Admin Portal if you have any questions.

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