Admin Update: Pending Reports
With our latest update to the Admin Portal, we are enhancing how administrators edit pending reports. We have significantly improved the Pending Report process to allow administrators to edit the entire report that is pending.
Prior to this update, the modification of a pending report was limited to only certain fields. Our latest update allows administrators to edit all fields, just as if they were logged into Destiny Hybrid.
To use this feature please follow the steps below:
Login to the Admin Portal.
Select Pending Reports.
Click the 'Awaiting Approval' button.
Select the Report you would like to edit. You will see the same screen as before
Click the 'Edit Report' button at the top of the page.
Edit all options of the report as an officer would.
Once you save the report, you can finalize or return the report to the employee.
Please create a support ticket in the Admin Portal if you have any questions.