Admin Update: Training Videos

Admin Update: Training Videos

With our latest update to the Admin Portal, we are providing your administrators the ability to send employees notifications about training videos and verify employee viewing of videos. This update also introduces a new email notification option, HR Department.

This update was designed to ensure employee accountability for completing certification, corporate, and government-mandated training videos.

To use this update in Admin Portal, please follow the steps below:

  1. Login to the Admin Portal.

  2. Select Manage and then Employees.

  3. Select an employee from the list of active employees.

  4. Select the Options button on the top right and select Training Videos.

  5. Select "Send Notification" to email the employee a message informing them they have a week to view the video within the training video section of our services (Destiny Mobile, Destiny Hybrid or Employee portal).

We also introduced a new HR Department email address option at the Alert / Notifications page located here. If an email address is entered here, an email will also be sent to the HR department informing them the employee has been notified. A notification is also sent to the HR department when they begin viewing the video and also complete viewing the video. The updated training video section is color coded with a legend at the top of the page. Green meaning the employee has completed viewing the video, yellow indicating they have begun to watch the video, and red meaning they have not started viewing the video but have been instructed to do so.

Please create a support ticket in the Admin Portal if you have any questions.