Superadmin: Attendance Settings


The Scheduling Settings section of the Scheduling Module (SuperAdmin) allows you to set specific settings and parameters to be used in the Admin portal Scheduling module. Super Admin users can easily review these settings when they log in as well as update these settings at their will.

Attendance Settings Menu

  1. Log in to the SuperAdmin Portal

  2. Navigate to Settings → Attendance Settings

  3. Once there you will see three settings:

    1. Notify managers when employees miss clock in/out → If an employee does not clock in/out after the minute threshold you set here a notification is sent to the supervisors

    2. Notify employees when they miss clock in/out → If an employee does not clock in/out after the minute threshold you set here, a notification is sent to the employee

    3. Notify employees when they get schedule notification –> Set how many minutes prior to a scheduled shift start that the employee will receive a reminder notification

  4. After making the required changes, simply press the save button to save changes