Create schedules for employees

Create schedules for employees


The Scheduler section of the Scheduling Module allows you to review employee Schedules as well as create and remove. Admin users can easily create each employee’s schedule for any date and time using the instructions below.

Creating Employee Schedules

  1. Log in to the Admin Portal

  2. Click on Scheduler under Time Menu item

  3. Click on any date you would like to create a schedule on and a new popup will appear

  4. Input all required fields

    1. Assign To → select which employee to create a schedule for from a list of current employees

    2. Job site → Select which account to create this schedule for from a list of all accounts

      1. This list will only be populated with Accounts the employee is associated with or all accounts if an association has not been assigned.

      2. Once a job site is selected a new popup will appear asking if the admin would like to utilize a Shift Template, to learn more about Shift Templates click here

    3. Shift Title → Set the title of the Schedule

      1. If a Shift Template is used, the title will be auto-filled

    4. Start Time → Set the start time of the Schedule

      1. If a Shift Template is used, the start time will be auto-filled

    5. End Time → Set the end time of the Schedule

      1. If a Shift Template is used, the end time will be auto-filled

    6. Repeat Shift → Select this option to enable the Repeat Every and Ending options for repeating shifts

    7. Repeats Every → Set the frequency of when this Schedule repeats such as every day or every week

    8. Ending→ Set the end date that this Schedule repeats until

    9. Notes → Optional field where you can provide instruction to your employee

    10. Save as Shift template → Select this option if you would like to save this shift as a new Shift Template for later use. To learn more about Shift Templates click here

    11. Show Availability → Clicking this button displays the employee’s availability for the selected date(s). Learn more about Availability/Unavailability here

    12. Pressing the save button will create the schedule and send a notification to the employee if there are no scheduling conflicts

    13. Note: You may receive a warning notification that indicates that the employee has set unavailability for the selected time or the employee has approved time off.

      1. You can review unavailability or time off requests details by clicking the Show Conflicts button

      2. It will display two tabs that will list the unavailability or time off requests depending on the selected tab

      3. You can cancel the save process or press Ignore & Save to continue to save the new schedule for the employee

      4. Unavailability warning will only appear if the Availability Notice Check is enabled from the super admin panel. To learn more about scheduling settings click here

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