Exporting TimeClock Data

Exporting TimeClock Data

The following are instructions on how to export TimeClock data for later use.

  • From your Administration Portal click on "Time" at the bottom of the left hand Navigation bar
  • When the options appear click on TimeClock Entries
  • When the page opens find and set the Start Date to the date you want the report to start.  Next set the End Date to set the date you want the report to end  
  • Next click in the Officer field and select the officer you want to run the report for
  • Once the officer's name has been selected the system will create the report using the criteria you have specified
  • To export the data you have created find the blue Options box on the upper right hand side of the screen and click on it.
  • Select Export to CSV
  • Save the file to a location on your computer where it can easily be found
  • CSV files can be opened and saved using Microsoft Excel

The following is an easy to follow step-by-step video.