Creating GuardTour Scan Rules

Creating GuardTour Scan Rules


GuardTour was created to allow officers a means to scan a QR code, NFC tag, or Geo Tour to verify that an officer is making their rounds on location. Sometimes these scans must be completed at specific times and to assist with that we have created Scan Rules. Using Scan Rules you are able to assign specific times, with grace periods, when an officer needs to scan the GuardTour and if they do not, a notification will be sent via email to whomever you specify.


How To Assign Rules

  1. Log into the Admin portal, select Manage, and then Accounts from the left navigation menu.

  2. Navigate to the GuardTour Checkpoints for the desired account. There are two ways to complete this, detailed below.

    1. Click on the name of the account you would like to edit the GuarTour for then select or select “GuardTour Checkpoints” from the Additional Options menu under the References section.

    2. From the list of active accounts simply select the options button next to that account and select “GuardTour Checkpoints”.

  3. Select the GuardTour you would like to add the Scan Rules to from the list of active GuardTours.

  4. Simply select the Scan Rules tab to be directed to this page.

  5. Under the Add New QR Scan Rule section, use CTRL+left click to select multiple days, indicate specific times when the GuardTour needs to be scanned in military format, and lastly select “Add New Rule”.

  6. This GuardTour now will be required to be scanned at those times for the selected days.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

How do I configure Directives?

Please refer to our Directives article here.

How do I assign a Grace Period?

You can assign a Grace Period for each account under the Report Delivery section of the Account Details page.

How do I set up the email that will be notified of missed scans?

You can set this up for all accounts as an Admin here or for each account under the Email Recipients option of the Account Details page.

Please create a support ticket in the Admin Portal if you have any questions.

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