Check employee timesheet

Check employee timesheet


The Timesheet section of the Scheduling Module allows you to review employee Timesheets. Admin users can easily review each employee’s clock in/outs as well as view where they clocked in and review the required image as well.

Review Employee Timesheets

  1. Log in to the Admin Portal

  2. Click on Timesheet under Time Menu item

  3. It will open a calendar having details of time clock in/out by employees

  4. Hovering your mouse over a card will display a popup with the Timesheet details

  5. Within this popup box, there are 6 options

    1. In Image → The image of the officer when they clock in

    2. In Map → GPS Location where the officer clocked in

    3. Out Image → The image of the officer when they clock out

    4. Out Map → GPS Location where the officer clocked out

    5. Account Details → Areal map of the location and the geofence

    6. Rodan Entries → Review the Rodan entries associated with this Clock in/out

Edit Employee Timesheets

  1. From the same page simply click on the timesheet entry and a new popup will appear with timesheet details

  2. Alter the Date In, Date Out, and/or the Account, and when complete simply press save to save or Cancel to cancel



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