How Employees Update availability/unavailablity
The Hybrid Scheduling section of the Scheduling Module (Destiny Mobile) allows your employees to set availability/unavailability to be used in the Admin portal Scheduling module. Employees can easily review and set their availability/unavailability when they log in from our mobile app.
Set Availability/Unavailability
Login to Hybrid or Destiny Mobile (Android/iOS)
In the main menu click Time
Under Time click on My Availability
On the calendar select the date you would like to set your availability/unavailability
A new Popup form will appear
Fill all the required fields
Start Date → beginning date you would like to set your availability/unavailability
I'M UNAVAILABLE TO WORK → Choose this option if the employee is not available to work for the selected date(s) and time
I PREFER TO WORK → Choose this option if the employee is available to work for the selected date(s) and time
All Day → Enable this option if the employee would be available/unavailable all day
If All Day is not enabled, Start Time & End Time will be required for employee availability/unavailability
Repeats → This option is used to set availability/unavailability for multiple dates. If enabled, this option will ask the following
Frequency of repeat → how frequent this available repeats itself such as Daily, Weekly or Bi-Weekly
End Date → Select the last date this availability/unavailability will be valid until
Note → this is an optional field, you can add notes for your availability/unavailability
When you press Save Changes, it will create availability/unavailability for the selected date time(s).
The new availability/unavailability should be updated to the calendar
Delete Availability/Unavailability
From the calendar view, select the availability/unavailability you would like to delete
Simply select the Delete button and follow the prompt
To delete all availability/unavailability for a month select the red trash can on the top right of the calendar view