Time Clock Rodan in Super Admin Portal

Time Clock Rodan in Super Admin Portal


The Time Clock Rodan feature is where you can add and delete “Time Clock Rodan” rules.

Adding Time Clock Rules

  1. Login to the Destiny’s Super Admin portal: https://enforce.adam602.com/superadmin/

  2. Click on “Time Clock Rodan”.

  3. To Add a new Time Clock Rodan rule navigate to “Add New Time Clock Rodan” section at the bottom of the page.

  4. Enter the Priority.

  5. Enter the Rodan Type.

  6. Enter the Directive.

  7. Then select if the directive is a “Check In/Check Out”.

  8. Once completed, click on “Add New Rule”

Deleting Time Clock Rules

  1. Login to the Destiny’s Super Admin portal: https://enforce.adam602.com/superadmin/

  2. Click on “Time Clock Rodan”.

  3. To delete a Rule navigate to the “Current Time Clock Rodan” section at the top of the page.

  4. Then locate the entry you wish to delete.

  5. Once located click on the “trash can” icon associated with your selection.

  6. Your desired rule is now deleted.

Use Case Scenario

If you would like to ensure that your officer has completed a task you asked them to complete you can use the Time Clock Rodan feature. Simply add a new Time Clock Rodan rule and enter the task you would you would like the officer to complete. These tasks can also include questions you would like for your guard to answer. Questions such as “Did you take all of your breaks?” or “Did you submit your reports?”.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I set the priority for the Time Clock I am adding?

When adding a new Time Clock entry you are tasked with setting the priority of the entry. The priority ranking begins with 0 and then increases by 1 increment with each new entry you create.

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