How do my clients receive their reports?

How do my clients receive their reports?


This article will help you understand the life cycle of a report. For the sake of this demonstration, let’s assume the following:

Setup the Email Recipients for the Account

While logged into the Admin Portal, click Manage → Accounts and select the account in question. We’ll be selecting “Glock Warehouse” for the sake of this example.

At the bottom of the “Edit Account: Glock Warehouse” page, there is an “Additional Options” section. There, click on “Email Recipients”.

You’ll be taken to the “Email Recipients” page where you’ll need to add the email address that wants to receive the report. In our case, client@huberthouse.com would like to receive all incident reports when they are submitted.

Once saved, the reports will be delivered when the officer submits them.

Destiny allows the flexibility of sending different types of reports to different email addresses.

In may be beneficial, for example, for your client’s maintenance department to receive maintenance reports directly.


Create the Report in the Mobile Application

Remember that we’re focusing on an incident report for the sake of this example.

The officer will need to log into the mobile application using his credentials:

Click on “Reports”:


Click on “Incident”:

Fill out the Incident form:

Finally, the officer will submit the Incident report:

At this point, the officer can move on to perform the rest of his duties.

Email Delivery of Report

Once the officer submits the report, a message will be sent to the email address you’ve configured for the report type.

Below is an example: