ADAM602: Attachment upload failed Error

ADAM602: Attachment upload failed Error

With the latest version of ADAM 602 we introduced an offline mode which allows users to continue working throughout their shift without the need of an internet connection. offline mode does allow the user the ability to attempt to upload reports given there is an internet connection available.


Some users may be experiencing this error when they attempt to upload reports with attachments:

Record has been uploaded to the server successfully however this report is processing attachments so it may not be submitted. To attempt to submit the report again, please switch to online mode or login to hybrid

If you received the message above, this means your report has been uploaded to online server and has been removed from your local storage.

Why does this happen?

When ADAM602 is in offline mode, the application will not actively search for an internet connection. Without a consistent internet connection ADAM602 will only be able to upload when prompted to do so. When the user attempts to upload a report while in offline mode, the application will attempt to process the report and if there is a connection it will process and upload the report and attachments but occasionally will not process the attachments completely leading to the error.

What should you do?

  1. Verify your report is still not submitted via the admin portal.

  2. If not, resubmit the report by switching ADAM602 to online mode and uploading report again.

  3. Lastly, you can log into Destiny Mobile Hybrid and submit the report again.

Please create a support ticket in the Admin Portal if you have any questions.

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