How To Use The Self Safelisting Feature

How To Use The Self Safelisting Feature

We must first mention that an Account's Property Manager would have to create credentials for each tenant by going here first:
then selecting "Create", which would take you here: 


The Parking Management Service / Security Company (CID) would have to select the account first by going here:
then following the same steps shown above for the "Account's Property Manager"

If the Account wishes to avoid manually inputting each tenant's information and has this data in excel or .csv spreadsheet,
we can insert this data into our database for them 
(a small fee would apply)

When a tenant wishes to safe-list vehicles without directly contacting the Security Company or Property Management.

Step-by-step Tenant guide

As a Tenant:

  1. Log into the Tenant Portal here
    1. Tenants would be assigned username and passwords through property management or Client portal's "Tenant / Employee ID" (shown above)
  2. Once logged in simply select permits from the left menu, and click Create.
  3. Once you select Create, fill in as much information as you can on the form and select "Send Request."
  4. The request will be sent to the security company immediately for review. The dispatcher will receive a pop-up notification on his screen, and also the person in charge of parking will receive a notification via email as well. Once reviewed and approved you can view the safelist on the same page under "View" and you will receive an email, along with an approval notification that is sent to the email entered in the original request. If the request is denied, the tenant will also receive a "Request Denied" notification at the email given in the original request.

Step-by-step Security Company guide

As a Dispatcher:

  1. Log into the Dispatch Portal here
    1. Only Employees who are authorized Dispatchers can login here
  2. Notifications of a pending safelist are sent three different ways:
    > A popup notification of anyone logged in to the Dispatch Portal
    > An email notification to the person who is in charge of parking for the CID
    > An email notification to the person listed for that account under the "Manage Accounts" page for that property
  3. Once logged in simply select permits form the left menu, and click "Pending Safelists".
  4. Click on the pending safelist request to review, and either click "Reject" or "Save and Approve." 
  5. Once the request is either approved or rejected, the tenant who requested the safelist will receive an email notification of the decision/permit.

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