How to change the logo that appears on ADAM602

How to change the logo that appears on ADAM602

There may be instances where you want to change your logo.

When you log into Adam-602 for the first time the system retrieves your logo from our remote logo repository. On occasion, a generic logo will appear. This logo will usually be replaced by your logo after you log in a few times. If you want to make the logo change sooner the instructions are below.

→ Click on the Windows Start icon

→ In the Search Bar type in the following C:\users\*****\appdata\local\temp

→ Look for the called Logo.gif

→ Delete this file and close the windows

→ Log into Adam-602

Your company logo should appear.

Please note: The filename we have shown as ***** above can be one of a couple of different files depending on how Adam-602 was originally set up. If during the set-up process you chose to give all computer users access to Adam-602 or “All Users” then this file name will likely be “PUBLIC” if Adam-602 was set up for a single computer user then the file name will be under that user's name.

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