Admin Permissions

Admin Permissions


Using the SuperAdmin portal, Super Admins are able to delegate specific permissions to each Admin user they create. Each Admin has their own set of permission they are allowed and each of these permissions provides different access levels to the Admin portal. Below we will outline what these permissions do and what they provide access to. To learn how to Manage Admins in the Super Admin, please refer to this Managing Admins in the Super Admin Portal .


This article assumes the following:


  1. Access Options - Access to Regional Manager Access options.

  2. Alert Notifications - Access to Emails / Alerts option which includes Alert Notifications, Email Transactions, Failed Emails, and Email Settings.

  3. Business Intelligence - Access to the Business Intelligence Module.

  4. Billing - Access to Invoices and Billing along with access to changing billing information.

  5. Broadcast Message Log - Access to messages sent from your employees via the company-wide channel within the Destiny Reporting platform.

  6. Client Summary Report - Ability to create Summary reports for specific clients with specific parameters.

  7. Company Information - Access to edit your company’s information as well as some settings on the same page.

  8. Customization Lists - Access to edit pre-populated options for officers in the field for reports.

  9. Dispatch Calls - Ability to review all finalized Dispatch reports.

  10. Email options - Access to the Email Transactions option under Alerts Notifications.

  11. GuartTour Reports - Access to review all finalized and missed GuardTour Reports.

  12. Instant Message Log - Access to the messages sent between an officer to another officer within the Destiny Reporting platform.

  13. Manage Employees - Access to the Employee management option, HR Module, and Icon Management.

  14. Manage Accounts - Access to the Account management option.

  15. Manage Devices - Access to the Device management option.

  16. Manage Trackers- Access to the Tracker management option.

  17. Manage Videos - Access to the Video management option.

  18. Officer Shift Report - Ability to review finalized Shift reports.

  19. Pending Reports - Access to review pending reports and the review log.

  20. Report Review Options - Access to Report Review option under Manage.

  21. Scheduling Module - Access to the Scheduling Module.

  22. TimeClock Entries - Ability to review and edit employee clock in entries as well as access to Period Totals and Time Off Requests.

  23. Vehicle Status Reports - Ability to review the finalized Vehicle Status Reports.


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