The Shift Templates section of the Scheduling Module allows you to create templates to easily recreate shifts in the future. Admin users can create multiple shift templates for specific accounts as well as times. In this section, we will explain what Shift Templates are, how to create them, and lastly how to use them.
What are Shift Templates
Shift templates are reusable templates that the scheduler can use to recreate schedules. You are allotted unlimited amounts of shift templates which each can be assigned to specific accounts and time frames. Each of these shift templates can be assigned to any employee within the new Scheduling module.
Creating a Shift Template in Scheduling
Log in to the Admin Portal
In the left navigation menu click Time → Shift Templates
To create a new shift, click the “Add Shift Template” button.
A popup will appear prompting you to create a new Shift Template:
Fill out the required fields denoted with a red asterisk
Shift Title → Name of Shift and Shift Template
Start Time → Shift start time
End Time → Shift end time
Account → Account where the shift is assigned
Notes → An optional field for adding any important notes to the shift
Click the “Add” button to save the shift template
How to use Shift Templates
Log in to the Admin Portal
In the left navigation menu click Time → Scheduler
Start creating a shift for any selected date (To learn more about shift creation click here)
Select an account that has shift templates created for it
A pop-up will appear asking if you would like to use a shift template. Click “Yes” to be directed to a list of related shift templates for the selected account
Click on the shift template you would like to use for this shift
The system will automatically fill out the corresponding information